- Veganski
- Za profesionalce iz sveta lepote
- Naručite do 12h, isporučujemo sledećeg radnog dana
- Pouzdan partner
Nova kolekcija
Decadent Darks Collection
The new ProNails AW24/25 autumn/winter collection is here! Our 4 salon systems (B System, Sopolish, Original Gels and LongWear) make you more efficient and profitable as a nail stylist.
Decadent Darks Fashion Power Glam with a rebellious side This autumn collection gives you the right arsenal of dark mood makers for sensual power nails.
New Collection
Silent Snow Collection
The new ProNails AW24/25 autumn/winter collection is here! Our 4 salon systems (B System, Sopolish, Original Gels and LongWear) let you become more efficient and profitable as a nail stylist.
Silent Snow nail collection - These wintery fresh pastels will give your nails a strong yet understated look. This winter, it's all about muted and sophisticated pastels with a stylish greyish undertone: the ultimate quiet luxury for your nails.
Boost your Business! Work faster and earn more - earn at least €2,000 extra per month with the newest ProNails gel systems BSTRONG & BFLEX for long and short natural gel nails. And now BCOLOUR, the fastest 1 layer colour gel.
Nova kolekcija
Decadent Darks Collection
The new ProNails AW24/25 autumn/winter collection is here! Our 4 salon systems (B System, Sopolish, Original Gels and LongWear) make you more efficient and profitable as a nail stylist.
Decadent Darks Fashion Power Glam with a rebellious side This autumn collection gives you the right arsenal of dark mood makers for sensual power nails.
New Collection
Silent Snow Collection
The new ProNails AW24/25 autumn/winter collection is here! Our 4 salon systems (B System, Sopolish, Original Gels and LongWear) let you become more efficient and profitable as a nail stylist.
Silent Snow nail collection - These wintery fresh pastels will give your nails a strong yet understated look. This winter, it's all about muted and sophisticated pastels with a stylish greyish undertone: the ultimate quiet luxury for your nails.
Boost your Business! Work faster and earn more - earn at least €2,000 extra per month with the newest ProNails gel systems BSTRONG & BFLEX for long and short natural gel nails. And now BCOLOUR, the fastest 1 layer colour gel.
Kreiraj izuzetne nokte bilo kog izgleda, dužine i oblika.
Počni da radiš Sopolish, najprofesionalniju uslugu trajnog laka.
Dobar pedikir može biti podjednako delotvoran za dušu koliko za stopala.
ProNails Akademija
Pronaiđi najbližu PRONAILS AKADEMIJU.
Naši edukatori će, sa velikim zadovoljstvom, podeliti svoje znanje sa vama i dati vam sve potrebne smernice i pomoć koja vam je potrebna.
Postani ProNails salon
Da li ste vi sledeći ProNails salon?
Želite da podignete svoj biznis u svetu lepote na viši nivo? Ili planirate da otvorite potpuno novi salon?
Tvoj ProNails centar
Upoznaj eksperte
U svakom ProNails centru ćete naći eksperte koji će vam pružiti individulani savet i profesionalne obuke.
Kvalitet i napredak idu ruku pod ruku
Strast je zarazna!
Garantujemo savršen, profesionalni kvalitet jer kontrolišemo razvoj i proizvodnju od početka do kraja, sa fokusom na testiranju proizvoda u cilju zaštite prirodnog nokta.
Rođeni 80-ih
Proizvedeno u Belgiji
Kažu da su najbolje stvari nastale 80-ih. To je 40 godina vodećih inovacija, 40 godina iskustva u nezi noktiju, ruku i stopala.
Tekst uskoro
Radićemo na tome
Najkraće rečeno, održivost predstavlja sposobnost držanja ravnoteže određenih procesa u kontinuitetu. U svetu biznisa, održivost sprečava rasipanje prirodnih i fizičkih resursa, kako bi oni ostali dostupni na duže staze.