- Veganski
- Za profesionalce iz sveta lepote
- Naručite do 12h, isporučujemo sledećeg radnog dana
- Pouzdan partner
Anti-Ageing Hand Spa Mask 10 pcs
Broj proizvoda: 30161
Order before 12h00, delivered the next working day
- Za profesionalce iz sveta lepote
- Pouzdan partner
- Pomažemo vam da rastete i da zasijate
Save time in your salon with
a pampering home treatment!
- Anti-ageing
- Deeply nourishing
- Emollient
With this hand mask you sell a blissful pampering- at-home moment: 20 minutes of ultimate relaxation. The active ingredients: Urea, Hyaluronic
Acid, Portuclaca (Omega 3 & 6), Beta Glucan and Vitamin E! They give the skin a boost, strengthen the skin barrier, fight inflammation, help the skin’s elasticity and protect your hands against free radicals.
Good To Know
You can easily convert the box into a display making the hand masks stand out more on your counter or cabinet. Do not
forget to mention them after each treatment.
Treba ti pomoć našeg stručnjaka?
Imaš pitanje o proizvodima ili te zanima kako ih naneti? Slobodno nas kontaktiraj i rado ćemo odgovoriti na sva tvoja pitanja. Dobićeš odgovor u roku od 24 sata.
Posetite neki od naših centara
U ProNails centrima širom sveta, rade posvećeni eksperti koji će te usmeriti i dati lični, profesionalni savet i obuku koja ti je, kao stilisti noktiju, potrebna!